The purpose of this study is focused on the life and exercise of Hwarang as a consideration from the history of physical education thought. The main point of this paper are as follows;
1. Hwarang was the sportsman who lived the life and experienced ‘Do-thought’, through the psychosomatic training by ceaseless endeavor.
2. Hwarang wanted a radical departure from the spot of the life which have given the stress from the psychosomatic training program. So, Hwarang was the sportsman who knew the elegance of freedom and harmony, excitement through the song and dance.
3. Hwarang went on a sightseeing tour to the famous mountain and river in order to the change discipline. Throughout this change discipline, Hwarang became the sportsman who knew the meaning of Han; fair, great, vast.
Key Words
Life, elegance, han
Mao Zedong’s Thoughts of Physical Education inhered in "Ti-Yu-Zhi-Yan-Jiu" 체육철학 : ‘체육지연구(體育之硏究)’에 나타난 모택동(毛澤東)의 체육사상
김동규DongKyuKim , 이용수LongZhuLi
44(1) 11-19, 2005
Mao Zedong’s Thoughts of Physical Education inhered in "Ti-Yu-Zhi-Yan-Jiu" 체육철학 : ‘체육지연구(體育之硏究)’에 나타난 모택동(毛澤東)의 체육사상
김동규DongKyuKim , 이용수LongZhuLi
Mao Zedong’s studies about thoughts of physical education were based on promotion to reconstruct the nation, brilliant Chinese history, and the people in semi-colonized situation by western forces. Also, his motivation to study about physical education was based on practical exercise to construct a strong country. Ti-Yu-Zhi-Yan-Jiu reflects Mao Zedong’s thoughts of physical education very well.
Firstly, it is bring a value of physical education of the nation and race.. His reasons to study physical education started from trying to solve social problems for reconstruction of the nation and the people.
Secondly, there are thoughts of physical education based on body-mind monism. He emphasized the importance of balanced development of knowledge, virtue, and body in school physical education in the dimension of education for the whole man.
Thirdly, there are popular thoughts of physical education that stresses on Yan-Sheng-Jian-Shen. He asserted people’s active participation in physical education and change in minds to improve people’s physical constitution relating to his own body activity experiences.
Fourthly, there are thoughts of physical education based on humanism that puts importance on goodwill and friendship more than the results of the game. He distributed his thoughts of physical education based on humanism by saying, "Physical education/sport should put priority on sharing of friendship and goodwill among people through sport games, and then comes the results of the game" and promoted moral values of physical education and sports.
Key Words
Mao Zedong, thought, physical education, Ti-Yu-Zhi-Yan-Jiu
Sports as Popular Culture 체육철학 : 대중문화로서의 스포츠
44(1) 21-29, 2005
Sports as Popular Culture 체육철학 : 대중문화로서의 스포츠
Sport is a product of the society within which it occurs. So sports culture encompasses sports events themselves, but also their history, development, myths, icons, and the social, economic and political issues surrounding them. It can be examined by different societies on the way, both historically and contemporarily, function by looking at the customs, attitudes and values of the population within each society.
Sport is used by those classes who possess power in society to organize sports and games that protect the status quo. Sport can be used to separate one social class from another through the use of exclusive clubs. However, despite its exclusivity, sport has been successfully used by many athletes to break out of their own social class.
In a sporting sense, mass culture usually refers to the activities and attitudes of large population groups within modern industrialized urban societies. It postulates that those in these groups have common unifying values and share similar emotions in the sporting arena. The media have been instrumental in popular cultural process of sport. Media coverage of sport is important for creating and sustaining its cultural relevance, and as a means of popular culture.
In contemporary society, sport is not just for elite sports or high classes, rather it is closer to ordinary people existing as a symbol of mass culture.
Key Words
society, sport culture, mass culture, social class, media
An Analytical Study of Sports Ethics from the Perspective of Christian Anthropology 체육철학 : 기독교적 인간 이해에서 본 스포츠 윤리성
44(1) 31-43, 2005
An Analytical Study of Sports Ethics from the Perspective of Christian Anthropology 체육철학 : 기독교적 인간 이해에서 본 스포츠 윤리성
The goal of sports ethics is to live as a holy creature with God’s image, that is, a man of character with absolute value more precious than the universe, through the recognition and practice of Christian viewpoint of human beings. Ethical behaviors in sports will be possible when man restores God’s image and participate in sports and when participants and all concerned practice love and honesty in physical education and sports phenomenon. That’s because personal morality and ethics based on love and honesty contribute to the restoration of morality and ethics of physical education and sports as well as humanity. Ethical men and women who are members of a society can build social justice. Therefore, in this society, each individual’s efforts for the development and cultivation of moral character can solve such problems in sports ethics as unreasonable policy, system, structure of power and laws.
Accordingly, physical education and sports ethics can be realized by righteous physical education and sports system in a righteous society and more basically by the participants’ moral character based on love and honesty. The physical education and sports ethics has an ideology of personal meeting for meeting principle. So the sports ethics should aim at raising interdependent individuals who have moral character with God’s image, in order that they may live ethical lives in every parts of their lives for the glory of God.
Key Words
ethical behaviors, personal meeting for meeting principle
Aristotle’s Thought of Physical Education(4) - Centered on the cause theory of four - 체육철학 : 아리스토텔레스의 체육사상(4) - 4원인설을 중심으로 -
황정현JungHyunHwang , 이동건DongGunLee
44(1) 45-53, 2005
Aristotle’s Thought of Physical Education(4) - Centered on the cause theory of four - 체육철학 : 아리스토텔레스의 체육사상(4) - 4원인설을 중심으로 -
황정현JungHyunHwang , 이동건DongGunLee
The propose of this study is to clearly reveal the relativity with concept of motion(movement) in Aristotle’s philosophy and concept of exercise in Sport, moreover it is to approach the process and part whether sport exert effect that is in human’s happiness as centered on Aristotle’s cause theory of four. It’s that enable access of historically for seeking happiness through Sport in the situation the present age. First, there are four types of movement- locomotion, alteration, decay and growth- in concept of Aristotle’s motion. Based on his main thought, it is so-called "change". In particular, concept of movement is locomotion as physical motion in Sport, alteration as the whole man through Sport and decay or growth such as increase of muscle size as the result of Sport. Finally, the meaning of movement is process that it is from possibility(dynamis) to actuality(energeia). Also, He regards that the ultimate aim of human is happiness and I researched how sport affect in human life thorough the cause theory of four (l)material cause (2)formal cause (3)efficient cause (4)final cause. In finally, human body is material cause, human health is formal cause, sport is efficient cause and happiness is final cause in process that human seek happiness. In the long run, sports are acting as important efficient cause in human’s happiness, and human’s body as possibility make healthy human through sports. It’s the basic stipulation for our happiness life.
Key Words
aristotle, cause theory of four, sports & physical education
The relation between self identity and vocational maturity of physical education students 스포츠사회학 : 체육계 대학생의 자아정체감과 진로성숙도의 관계
44(1) 57-66, 2005
The relation between self identity and vocational maturity of physical education students 스포츠사회학 : 체육계 대학생의 자아정체감과 진로성숙도의 관계
The purpose of this study is to figure out how self identity influenced on vocational maturity relating to vocational selection and the decision of vocational direction and then, provide the important viewpoints for increasement of vocational rate and looking for vocations of physical education students.
The following results were acquired by the data analysis based on the research methods and procedure of this study.
First, grade, class, academic results and the results of finishing military service or not, were different significantly by the difference of self identity according to demographic variables. And sex, grade, academic results and the results of finishing military service or not, were shown differently by the sub-variables of vocational maturity according to demographic variables. Female students were higher than male students in vocational maturity. Also, the higher academic results were, the higher the values of vocational maturity were. There’s no consistent tendency according to grade.
Third, at the result of multiple regression analysis for finding out how self identity influenced on vocational maturity, all variables except involvement were different significantly. The sub-variables of self identity - certainty on the future, goal intention, self -acceptance, independence and control influenced on the vocational maturity.
Key Words
self identity, vocational maturity
A Study on the Supply Scale Determinants of Public Sports Facilities - with the emphasis of indoor sports facilities - 스포츠사회학 : 도시공공체육시설 공급규모 영향요인분석 - 실내체육시설을 중심으로 -
오상훈SangHoonOh , 오정석JungSeokOh
44(1) 67-75, 2005
A Study on the Supply Scale Determinants of Public Sports Facilities - with the emphasis of indoor sports facilities - 스포츠사회학 : 도시공공체육시설 공급규모 영향요인분석 - 실내체육시설을 중심으로 -
오상훈SangHoonOh , 오정석JungSeokOh
The purpose of this study was to look into the supply scale determinants of urban public sports facilities with the emphasis of indoor sports facilities. The subject of this research were sampled 73 cities except metropolitan cities. Independent variables were population, number of establishments, number of workers, government employees, population of sports participation, urban planning scale, summary of settlement, financial index, local tax burden, urban park scale, registered motor vehicles, scale and number of parking lot, number of medical personnels employed in medical institutions, population of computer use and internet use, number of schoo(middle and high school), number of reported sports facilities. Dependent variable was the scale of public sports facilities. To analyze the data, independent samples reliability analysis, factor analysis, correlation coefficient, and regression were used in this study. Regression analysis results from determinative factors of public sports facilities are as Follows ; The ranks of importance effect are populational, administrational and cultural factor(β=30049.679, p<.000), social and healthy factor (β=14796.748, p<.000), and environmental and financial factor (β=13921.387, p<.000).
Effects of this study are follows;
First, the scale of public sports facilities per 1,000 people by 2003, and per area of administrative units by 2003, is not appropriate in Korea.
Second, all independent variables have correlation coefficient except scale of urban park.
Third, the effect factors of the supply scale determinants of public sports facilities are follows; ① populational and administrational factor(number of establishments, number of establishments, private sports facilities, urban planning scale, population of computer use, population of sports participation, area and number of parking lot ② social and healthy factor(number of registered motor vehicles, medical institutions) ③ environmental and financial factor(urban park scale, financial index)
Key Words
public sports facilities, metropolitan city, sports participation
A Study on Causal Relationships among Attitude of Health Related, Needs of Leisure, and Exercise Addiction 스포츠사회학 : 생활체육참가자의 건강관련태도와 여가욕구, 운동중독과의 관계
44(1) 77-87, 2005
A Study on Causal Relationships among Attitude of Health Related, Needs of Leisure, and Exercise Addiction 스포츠사회학 : 생활체육참가자의 건강관련태도와 여가욕구, 운동중독과의 관계
This study aims to examine the degree of relationship between attitude of health related, needs of leisure, and exercise addiction through participation in leisure sports. Using previous studies and theories as a foundation, the model of this study sets attitude of health related as the exogenous latent variable and needs of leisure and exercise addiction as endogenous latent variables to verify the hypothesis.
Analysis for this study was made by collecting data from 810 residence from Kyunggi Provence by method of purposive sampling.
The data pertaining to this study was gathered using a self-administered survey questionnaire consisting of eighty-three questions. SPSSWIN Version 11.5 and LISREL Version 8.54 were both used to process the collected data. Structural equation modeling were utilized as tools of analysis.
In accordance with the research method and process mentioned above, the study produced the following results.
First, the proposed initial structural equation model of attitude of health related, needs of leisure and exercise addiction in this study was found not to be adequate.
Second, a modified structural equation model of attitude of health related, needs of leisure and exercise addiction is adequate. The study found that affective component in the case of the attitude of health related observable variable, natural rest type and deviation type in the case of the needs of leisure observable variable, and affective attachment in the case of the exercise addiction observable variable did not contribute to enhancing the goodness of fit in this modified structural equation model.
And lastly, causal relationships within the modified structural equation model of attitude of health related, needs of leisure and exercise addiction were revealed between attitude of health related and exercise addiction.
Key Words
attitude of health related, needs of Leisure, exercise addiction
Utilizing Advanced Visual Cue, Anticipation, and Expertise of Goalkeeper in Soccer Penalty Kick 스포츠심리학 : 축구 페널티킥에서 골키퍼의 숙련도, 예측 및 사전시각단서의 활용 능력
김선진SeonJinKim , 이승민SeungMinLee , 박승하SeungHaPark
44(1) 91-101, 2005
Utilizing Advanced Visual Cue, Anticipation, and Expertise of Goalkeeper in Soccer Penalty Kick 스포츠심리학 : 축구 페널티킥에서 골키퍼의 숙련도, 예측 및 사전시각단서의 활용 능력
김선진SeonJinKim , 이승민SeungMinLee , 박승하SeungHaPark
The purpose of this study was to investigate the reasons lie in those differences in the abilities of utilizing advanced visual cue and of anticipation the direction of penalty kick based on goalkeepers’ skill level. 12 subjects were selected for this study; 6 subjects (n=6) were male players with more than 10-year experience, whereas the rest (n=6) was inexperienced novices. By watching motion pictures of penalty kicks, they were required to press a reaction system as fast as they estimate the direction of ball. For this experiment, an eye movement tracking system (NAC emr-8), equipment for measuring anticipation, screen and beam projector, were prepared. By classifying the output from experiment into 1st interval between running and landing of non-kicking leg, and 2nd interval between landing of non-kicking leg and impact, the subjects’ accuracy of anticipation and visual search strategy were analyzed.
The results were as follows. First, experts tended to predict the direction of penalty kick more accurately than novices. In addition, it was found that the both groups tend to predict well on the penalty kick to side direction rather than to above and below. Second, although every experts had higher fixation time during the 1st and 2nd interval of penalty kicks, there was no difference between two groups regarding the search rate. Third, it was found that the experts gaze at kicker’s shoulder, trunk, and kicking leg during the 1st interval and at the right side of soccer ball and non-kicking leg during the 2nd interval, whereas the novices fixated longer at head, waist, non-kicking leg, and succor ball during the 1st interval and at soccer ball and kicking leg during the 2nd interval. In conclusion, it is found that the accuracy of anticipation depends on the ability of acquiring the useful visual cue based on the predictor’s experience and knowledge. The pattern of visual search was found to be different in each interval and it tells experts tend to acquire more information through the environment to anticipate penalty kick just before the impact moment.
This paper compared body confidence and self-esteem, according to sex and Sasang constitutions. The group for inquiry is 270 middle schoolboys and schoolgirls. ANOVA and t-test for comparative analysis according to Sasang constitution and sex are performed. Pearson’s Correlation Analysis for correlation between dependent variables is performed. The result of inquiry is as follows.
In body confidence according to sex, schoolboys are higher than schoolgirls.
In body confidence according to Sasang physical constitution, soyangin is the highest.
In the difference of body confidence between schoolboys and schoolgirls according to Sasang constitutions, in case of Soyangin, the body confidence of schoolboys is higher than that of schoolgirls. in case of Taeeumin, the own expression sense of insecurity is high.
In the difference of Sasang constitutions according to sex, in case of schoolboys, body own expression of Taeeumin is the highest, in case of schoolgirls, the own expression sense of insecurity, affirmative self, body own expression, of soyangin are the lowest.
There is no difference of self-esteem according to sex and Sasang constitutions.
Correlation of self-esteem and body confidence according to Sasang physical constitution is different.
In conclusion, the difference of body confidence according to sex and Sasang physical constitution, the correlation between self-esteem and Sasang physical constitution are different. Therefore, when we apply it to sport sites, for the improvement of motion accomplishment improvement, coaches and physical education teachers must use different feedback for schoolgirls and soyangin who body confidence is low. Also, if the study of feedback and Sasang physical constitution is performed later, we can apply different training-techniques according to physical constitutions in sport sites.
Key Words
body confidence, self-esteem according, sasang constitutions
Effects of the Ring-size Condition on Basketball Free-throw Self-efficacy and Physical Self-concept for Middle School Students 스포츠심리학 : 농구의 링 크기 조건이 중학생의 농구 자유투 자기 효능감과 신체적 자기개념에 미치는 효과
박진성JinSungPark , 조춘호ChunHoCho
44(1) 115-125, 2005
Effects of the Ring-size Condition on Basketball Free-throw Self-efficacy and Physical Self-concept for Middle School Students 스포츠심리학 : 농구의 링 크기 조건이 중학생의 농구 자유투 자기 효능감과 신체적 자기개념에 미치는 효과
박진성JinSungPark , 조춘호ChunHoCho
The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of the ring-size condition on basketball free-throw self-efficacy and physical self-concept for middle school students. Participants were randomly assigned to experimental group(16subjects), control group(16 subjects). In pre-test, subjects responded basketball free-throw self-efficacy scale and self-concept scale. After 8 weeks, participants responded basketball the same scales as they did in the pre-test. The conclusions were as follows:
1. There was significant difference between experimental group and control group in basketball free-throw self-efficacy(p.<05).
2. There was significant difference between experimental group and control group in sports competence, physical activity, appearance .overall body self-esteem and health(p.<05).
The results indicated that the ring-size condition had positive influence on basketball free-throw self-efficacy and physical self-concept.
Key Words
physical self-concept, self-efficacy
Physical Self-Description According to Physical Activity Pattern for Middle-aged Women 스포츠심리학 : 중년여성의 생활스포츠 참여유형에 따른 신체적 자기개념
박현숙HyunSookPark , 배영훈YoungHoonBae , 한태준TaeJoonHan
44(1) 127-138, 2005
Physical Self-Description According to Physical Activity Pattern for Middle-aged Women 스포츠심리학 : 중년여성의 생활스포츠 참여유형에 따른 신체적 자기개념
박현숙HyunSookPark , 배영훈YoungHoonBae , 한태준TaeJoonHan
The purpose of this study was to examine physical self-description according to the physical activity pattern and not it of middle-aged women. A total of 160 participants(Dance sport participated group; 58, Aerobics participated group; 51, exercise non-participated group; 51) aged from 40s to 60s(40s; 68, 50s; 50, 60s; 42) completed the Korean version of the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire.
The means and standard deviations of physical self-description were computed by the physical activity pattern and the different age groups. The results indicated that two-way-ANOVA with examined data were as follows; There were significant physical activity pattern, age-ranged, duration main effects and a significant physical activity pattern x age-ranged interaction effect in muscle strength. The participation of sports played group was in the higher than the exercise non-participated group in the sports capability, fat/slenderness, physical activity, flexibility, endurance and general physical. And there were no difference from the appearance, health, self-esteem.
Participants in 40s perceived higher than 50s and 60s in fat/slenderness. In appearance factor, participants in 60s perceived higher than 40s and 50s. And there was no difference in health and self-esteem factors.
The results of inspection for interaction effects of muscle strength showed that dance sport participated group 60s and aerobics participated group 60s was higher than 50s and 40s, and in case of exercise non-participated group was in a lower 60s female as level of the proud physical.
The appropriate participation of the long-term sports played a significant role of middle-aged women in enhancing the quality of life.
Key Words
physical self-description, dance sport, aerobics
The Effects of Visual Imagery on the Control of Visual and Auditory Distractors 스포츠심리학 : 시각적 심상을 통한 운동학습 방해 요소 통제
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of visual imagery on the control of visual and auditory distractors. Forty-five subjects who had not experienced in golf-putting participated in this experiment. Their ages ranged from 18 to 28, with a mean age of 22.3 and they were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: (1) control group(n=15), (2) auditory distraction group(n=15), (3) visual distraction group(n=15). Nova-strobe(U.S.A) was used to provide subjects for visual distraction. A cassette was used to provide subjects for auditory distraction(noise of 86dB). The visual imagery group watched a videotape that contained golf-putting stroke demonstrations without any verbal description. A golf-putting test was administered to all subjects. An indoor mini-golf set was used. Target consisted of a 1.5m x 1.5m square grid with lines drawn lengthwise and crosswise at 5cm intervals. Subjects performed 40 acquisition trials followed by 20 retention trials. The results of this investigation revealed significant main effects for group and times on the absolute error(AE), adjusted variable error(AVE), and radial error(RE) in the acquisition as well as retention phases. Subjects in the visual distraction group performed significantly better than control group. Visual distraction group seemed to be better than the auditory distraction group.
The Factors affecting on the Management of Athletes for Gymnastics Coaches 스포츠교육학 : 체조지도자의 선수관리에 영향을 미치는 요인
44(1) 151-160, 2005
The Factors affecting on the Management of Athletes for Gymnastics Coaches 스포츠교육학 : 체조지도자의 선수관리에 영향을 미치는 요인
The purpose of this study is densely to analyze the factors affecting on the management of athletes for gymnastics coaches. To achieve the purpose of the study, the qualitative study is based on 6 gymnastics coaches who have an experience as a national team coach. The data collected with depth interviews and referring to document records were analyzed by inductive category analysis. Reliance, propriety, and ethics of the study is confirmed through the progress of collecting and analyzing data. A summary of the analysis and the construction of the study is like followed. There are coaches and gymnasts, and environmental factors which affect athlete management for gymnastics coaches. Coach disposition, self-development and self-management, and concord among coaches are needed as factors of coaches. They should have coaching philosophy and their own values with a background of respectable personality. And continuous self-development and self-management of coaches are necessary for systematic and scientific coaching system. Also, for athlete management, concord among coaches should not be excluded. There are sex distinction and age as factors of gymnasts. Coaches should have different training and managing methods considering sex and age of gymnasts. And as environmental factors, there are equipments and supports, judges, and changing of competition rules. For a amicable, systematic and scientific athlete management, fine equipments and plenty supports from surroundings are necessary. Also, interest from surroundings or supports from the association can give opportunities to practice in various environments for gymnasts.
Key Words
gymnastics coaches, management of athletes
Analysison Academic study Trend in Korea in Inclusive Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 통합체육교육에 관한 국내 학술 연구동향 분석
44(1) 161-171, 2005
Analysison Academic study Trend in Korea in Inclusive Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 통합체육교육에 관한 국내 학술 연구동향 분석
The purposes of this study was to providing meaningful basic materials for the development of inclusive physical education, the new paradigm of special physical education which appeared alongside with changes in social and educational environment. The research studied 20 theses which were granted ISSN grades since 1995 and analyzed Korea’s academic research trend in inclusive physical education. Result of the study were described as follows; First, centering on Korean Society of Adapted Physical Activity and Exercise (KOSAPE) and Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (KAHPERD), studies on inclusive physical education in Korea have been gradually published on academic journals since 1997 and there has been growing need for more studies at the level of academic journals. Second, the most-frequently-used method for research into inclusive physical education in Korea has been through questionnaires(15 studies), followed by document research(4 studies) and consolidated research(3 studies). It is found that inclusive physical education research and quality research are needed to collect valuable materials so that they can be practically applied to school fields. Third, among research subjects, non-disabled students(6 studies), physical education teachers(5 studies) and documents(3 studies), followed by parents (3stuclies) and groups of the handicapped and the not-handicapped(3 studies) and the handicapped(2 studies). It is found that there is a need for research into the challenged, those who receive the inclusive physical education. Fourth, among research topics of Korea’s inclusive physical education, perception and attitude are the most studied topics (16 studies), followed by system and administrations studies), curriculum(2 study) and teaching/ learning (1 study). It is found that contents and teaching method of inclusive physical education have to be developed so that they can be utilized at school fields.
Key Words
inclusive physical education, review of research papers
Study on Types of Athlete Club through After School Physical Activity and Recognition of Participants in The Middle School 스포츠교육학 : 중등학교 특기적성 운동부의 유형과 참여자 인식 분석
44(1) 173-183, 2005
Study on Types of Athlete Club through After School Physical Activity and Recognition of Participants in The Middle School 스포츠교육학 : 중등학교 특기적성 운동부의 유형과 참여자 인식 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate the processes of athlete club using after school physical activity in middle school and high school and to attempt to judge possibility search of department of athletics operation through extra physical activity. The data for this study were collected by interview with physical education teachers, coaches, students and parents of students in athletic club of middle school and high school in the city of Seoul. Major research questions and findings can be summarized into the following three categories. There are some characters of operation that athletic activity after school. Researcher can categorize types of these athlete clubs by analyzing data of this research. categorized types of athlete club using after school physical activity are 1)Type of specialized athlete club, 2)Type of student’s preference, 3)Type of school guidance. And recognitions of participants(coach, teachers and students) and commitments(parents) present opposite aspect about activity of athlete club using after school physical activity. Teachers and Students have opinion that participating of this athlete club soundly is instructional activity, while coaches and parents have passive opinion which this type of athlete club is only recreational activity and students must accomplish successful results from athlete club activity.
Key Words
types of athlete club through extra physical activity, recognition of participant
The Effect of Psychological Learning Environment in Physical Education Class on the Students` Potential Attitude Inclination 스포츠교육학 : 체육수업의 심리적 학습환경이 학생들의 잠재적 태도성향에 미치는 영향
조홍식HongSikCho , 강신복SinBokKang
44(1) 185-195, 2005
The Effect of Psychological Learning Environment in Physical Education Class on the Students` Potential Attitude Inclination 스포츠교육학 : 체육수업의 심리적 학습환경이 학생들의 잠재적 태도성향에 미치는 영향
조홍식HongSikCho , 강신복SinBokKang
The purpose of this study was to analyze how they cognize on the psychological learning environment of P.E class and the potential attitude inclination, and how psychological learning environment influence upon the potential attitude inclination. For this, 620 students of middle and high schools in Kyunggi-do were sampled an example using a purposive sampling method. The method of inquiry was a questionnaire. The collected data was enforced the analysis of t-Test and Multiple regression Analysis using the SPSS Ver 11.5. Therefore, it has got conclusions as follows;
First, the degree of awareness on psychological learning environment as personal characteristic of student was rather higher that average. The psychological learning environment as gender difference, boys were more positive and highly cognized than girls, and statistically indicated differences between them. The psychological learning environment followed as school pattern, high school student showed higher cognition than middle school student.
Second, the degree of awareness on potential attitude inclination as personal characteristic of student was rather higher than average. The potential attitude inclination as gender difference, boys were more positive and highly cognized than girls in all subordinate factors and indicated differences between the, And the potential attitude inclination followed as school pattern, high school student showed higher cognition on attitude inclination than middle school student.
Third, the psychological learning environment of P.E class has statistically influences upon the potential attitude inclination of the student. Especially, the a sense of relationship, differentiation, independence have significantly influenced upon the potential attitude inclination of the student, but the a sense of investigation has not partly influenced on it.
The effect of walking exercise on the hematocele dynamic factors in patients with chronic venous disease 운동생리학 : 걷기운동이 하지정맥류 질환자의 혈류역학요인에 미치는 영향
44(1) 199-205, 2005
The effect of walking exercise on the hematocele dynamic factors in patients with chronic venous disease 운동생리학 : 걷기운동이 하지정맥류 질환자의 혈류역학요인에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was analysed the effect of walking exercise on the hematocele dynamic factors in patients with chronic venous disease. The subjects of this study were composed of 6 middled-aged women with chronic venous disease. Subjects participated 12 weeks of walking exercise program to five times per week for 60 minutes. Measurement variables were the velocity of back blood flow in veins, the diameter of veins, the circumference of calf, the time of back blood flow in veins. The results were as follows:
1. There were significant difference among walking exercise duration in the velocity of back blood flow in veins.
2. There were no significant difference among walking exercise duration in the diameter of veins.
3. There were no significant difference among walking exercise duration in the circumference of calf.
4. There were no significant difference among walking exercise duration in the time of back blood flow.
This study suggested that 12 weeks of walking exercise had positively effected in the velocity of back blood flow in veins among variables of venous circulatory system of human body. So, I considered that this fact will be important indication in exercise prescription of patients with chronic venous disease.
Low oxygen(O2) is the key stimulus for expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in skeletal muscle. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of VEGF mRNA and proteins in skeletal muscle by hypoxia. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to hypoxia condition(8% O2) for 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12hours. The VEGF mRNA and protein in gastrocnemius and soleus muscles were examined by Northern blotting and Wester blotting.
Expression of VEGF mRNA in gastrocnemius muscle was significantly increased after 1hours and reached a maximum after 2hours. In soleus muscle expression of VEGF mRNA significantly increased after 1~ 2hours and then decreased gradually to the base line. The expression VEGF protein in gastrocnemius and soleus muscle was significantly increased after lhours and lasted after 12hours. A VEGF mRNA and protein expression were higher in gastrocnemius muscle consist of glycolytic fiber than soleus music consist of oxidative fiber. This VEGF increase in response to hypoxia support the concept that VEGF is involved in hypoxia-induced skeletal muscle angiogenesis.
Key Words
hypoxia, soleus, gastrocnemius, vegf
Effects of Dance Sport Exercise on Body Composition and Serum Lipids in Normal and Obese Middle School Girls 운동생리학 : 댄스스포츠 운동이 정상과 비만 여중생의 신체조성과 혈중 지질농도에 미치는 영향
44(1) 215-230, 2005
Effects of Dance Sport Exercise on Body Composition and Serum Lipids in Normal and Obese Middle School Girls 운동생리학 : 댄스스포츠 운동이 정상과 비만 여중생의 신체조성과 혈중 지질농도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to find the effects of the dance sport on body composition and serum lipids in obese middle school girls who were divided into four groups. The exercise group was composed of normal group(9) and obese group(l0), and the control group was composed of normal group(9) and obese group(8). % fat of the obese group was over 30% and the normal group was 20-25%. The exercise groups were applied in dance sport for 12 weeks, three times in a week, and 60 minutes in a time. The body composition and the serum lipids were measured after and before the exercise. The control groups were measured two times at the same time as the exercise groups without any exercise program. The statistical techniques utilized in this study were; paired t-test, ANOVA, and Duncan test was used in Post-hoc analysis. The findings of this study are as follows;
First, in the comparison within the each group on the body composition, the normal and the obese exercise group were significantly decreased in TBF and % fat, but the obese control group was significantly increased high in body weight, TBF, %fat and LBM after the exercise. In the comparison among the groups, the normal and the obese exercise group showed significantly low in body weight, TBF and % fat, but the normal exercise group and obese control group showed significantly high than normal control group in LBM after the exercise. Second, in the comparison within the each group on the serum lipids, normal exercise group was significantly decreased in TC and TG and the obese exercise group was significantly decreased in TC, TG and LDL-C, but the obese control group was significantly increased in TC, TG and LDL-C after the exercise. In the comparison among the groups, the normal and the obese exercise group showed significantly low in TC, TG and LDL-C, but significantly high in HDL-C after the exercise and the normal control group was not significant changes in all factors.
In conclusion, the obese exercise group showed the most positive effect on the body fat, TC, TG, LDL-C after the dance sport exercise. Therefore, the dance sport exercise is considered as the effective exercise which brings the positive changes in the body composition and the serum lipids on the obese people.
Key Words
dance sport, body composition, serum Lipid
Effects of The Marathon running on Cardiac Structure and Function in Middle-aged Men 운동생리학 : 마라톤 달리기가 성인 남성의 심장구조 및 기능에 미치는 영향
김종원JongWonKim , 김태운TeaUnKim
44(1) 231-242, 2005
Effects of The Marathon running on Cardiac Structure and Function in Middle-aged Men 운동생리학 : 마라톤 달리기가 성인 남성의 심장구조 및 기능에 미치는 영향
김종원JongWonKim , 김태운TeaUnKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of the marathon running on cardiac structure and function in middle-aged men and to present the basic scientific informations for developing the effective training prescription programs in order to improve the marathon. The subjects recruited for this study were 42 middle-aged men composed with the A group(13 marathon runners), who have regularly participated in marathon running for more than three years, the B group(16 marathon runners), who have regularly participated in marathon running for less than two years, and the C group(13 non-runners), who have exercised irregularly.
The measurements were conducted for comparing the differences among the marathon runners for more than three years, the marathon runners for less than two years, and the non-runners on cardiac structure and function.
The statistical techniques utilized in this study were; ANOVA and Scheffe test was used in Post-hoc analysis. The findings of this study are as follows;
1. Characteristics of Cardiac Structure
The A group was significantly higher than the other two groups in LVIDd, LVPWs and LVPWs/s, and higher than the C group in LVIDd/S, IVSs/S and RVIDd, but no significant differences among three groups in the other factors.
2. Characteristics of Cardiac function
The A group was significantly higher than the other two groups in LVEDV, LVDEV/S, SV and SV/S and higher than C group in LVM/S and LVM/height ratio, and the B group was lower than the C group in CO, and the A group and B group were lower than the C group in HRrest, but no significant differences among three groups in the other factors.
In conclusion, these findings of this study indicate that the A group is significantly higher than the other two groups in cardiac structure and function. Therefore, the marathon with long run period have been proved more effective. For the future study, it should be developed the training prescription program to improve these factors in the running career and training intensity.
Key Words
cardiac structure and function, middle-aged men, marathon running
The Effect of Warm up types on Concentric and Eccentric Muscular Force Recovery 운동생리학 : 준비운동 형태가 구심성 및 원심성 근력회복에 미치는 영향
김훈HoonKim , 김종호JongHoKim
44(1) 243-253, 2005
The Effect of Warm up types on Concentric and Eccentric Muscular Force Recovery 운동생리학 : 준비운동 형태가 구심성 및 원심성 근력회복에 미치는 영향
김훈HoonKim , 김종호JongHoKim
This study was performed to investigate that the effect of warm up types on concentric and eccentric muscular force recovery following eccentric exercise, which commonly used for inducing muscle damage. Thirty-seven University students were voluntarily participated, and randomly assigned to one of four groups: control(CON, n=8), stretching(ST, n=10), warm-up(WP, n=10), or massage(MA, n=9). Concentric and eccentric peak torque were observed before and after treatment. For specifically examining of recovery phase, all variables were continually measured from day one to day ten after treatment. The data were analyzed by repeated measure of two-way ANOVA. Duncan`s post-hoc test was performed when p<.05.
1. After warm-up, concentric peak torque was shown the most highest value (94.44±7.66%) than any other warm up types were adopted. WP group showed a significantly higher than all other groups (p<.01). There was a significant interaction between treatments(i.e. types of warm-up) and time course (F=3.934, p<.00l). Interestingly, it was shown while MA(92.18±6.65%) and ST(91.41±9.91%) revealed significantly higher in concentric peak torque than CON(87.94± 12.06%), they are also significantly lower in concentric peak torque than WP (F=12.229, p<.001). When time course effect was considered, concentric peak torque was affected most significantly in CON. The lowest value of concentric peak torque was found in CON, Mowed by ST(91.41±9.91%), MA(92.18±6.65%) and WP(94.44±7.66%) group (F=12.229, p<.001). Time course effect in concentric peak torque showed a significant decrease at all time points compared to baseline (F=12.558, p<.001).
2. The degree of eccentric peak torque loss was the lowest in WP(89.48±12.72%), Mowed by MA(84.06±15.08%), CON(80.96±16.34%), and ST(80.39±19.75%). Post-hoc results demonstrated that a statistical significance in WP compared to all other groups (F=8.122, p<.001). When eccentric peak torque combined for all groups, eccentric peak torque was maintained with lowered status throughout the recovery period (p<.00l).
Key Words
DOMS, warm up, stretching, massage
The Effects of Regular Exercise for Bone Mineral Density, VO2max, Health related Fitness in Korean Middle-aged women 운동생리학 : 자발적 운동참여가 중년여성들의 골밀도, 최대산소섭취량, 건강관련체력에 미치는 영향
이철호CheolHoLee , 최대혁DaeHyukChoi
44(1) 255-264, 2005
The Effects of Regular Exercise for Bone Mineral Density, VO2max, Health related Fitness in Korean Middle-aged women 운동생리학 : 자발적 운동참여가 중년여성들의 골밀도, 최대산소섭취량, 건강관련체력에 미치는 영향
이철호CheolHoLee , 최대혁DaeHyukChoi
The purpose of this study is to find effects of regular exercise for bone mineral density(BMD), V02max, Health related fitness in Korean Middle-aged women and to present basic data of an effective exercise program for the prevention and cure of osteoporosis. The subjects were 330 middle-aged women, who were divided into 130 in exercise group and 200 in non-exercise group, and then BMD of radius, lumbar and femur, body composition, VO2max and isokinetic muscle strength, health related fitness were measured. The results from t-test of each variable, analysis of correlation are the followings. 1) It was showed that BMD of lumbar, femur, weight and peak torque of right and left knee extension muscle and both flexion muscle in exercise group were significantly higher than those in non-exercise group. 2) There were statistically significant correlations among BMD of lumbar and peak torque of left and right extension muscle. There were statistically significant correlations among BMD of femur and weight, peak torque of right extension and flex muscle, and age 3) For non-exercise group, there were statistically significant correlations among age and BMD of radius, lumbar and femur. Regular exercise has positive effect not only on increase of BMD but also on increase of the amount of lean body mass, aerobic capacity and improvement of health related fitness. The exercise, in process of which continuous weight bearing can be given, is more effective, and especially in order to maintain and improve BMD of radius, lumbar and femur, which are more likely to result in a fracture of bone caused by osteoporosis, it is more effective to carry out muscle strength which can make continuous muscle contraction for parts concerned. The result of this study, I suggest that a succeeding study on practical exercise program is need for the prevention and cure of osteoporosis.
Key Words
bone mineral density, BMD, peak torque, VO2max, isokinetic muscle strength, health related fitness
Relationship of Salivary-IgA, URTI occurrence, and Performance of Modem Pentathlonists 운동생리학 : 근대 5종 선수들의 s-IgA 수준과 URTI 발병 및 경기력과의 관계
장경태KyungTaeJang , 김영선YoungSunKim
44(1) 265-275, 2005
Relationship of Salivary-IgA, URTI occurrence, and Performance of Modem Pentathlonists 운동생리학 : 근대 5종 선수들의 s-IgA 수준과 URTI 발병 및 경기력과의 관계
장경태KyungTaeJang , 김영선YoungSunKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between s-IgA level during intense training period and URTI occurrence in modern pentathlonists. 15 college male athletes participated in the study and saliva secretion rate, s-IgA concentration, s-IgA secretion rate, and s-IgA/protein ratio were measured daily for a week. In addition, URTI occurrence was investigated for 15days before the major competition by using questionnaire. The results of the study were as follows:
1. There were significant difference in saliva secretion rate, s-IgA secretion rate, and s-IgA/protein ratio during 7days(p<0.05) and it appeared to be related with the amount and intensity of exercise.
2. There were no difference in saliva secretion rate, s-IgA secretion rate, and s-IgA/protein ratio between URTI subjects and no-URTI subjects. However, s-IgA concentration difference between two groups was close to the statistical significance(p=0.051).
3. There were no performance decrease in both URTI and no-URTI subjects.
The results of this study suggested that s-IgA concentration might be better in predicting URTI occurrence than s-IgA secretion rate and s-IgA/protein ratio. Considering the large individual variation during the 7 days period, frequent s-IgA measurement might be required to accurately evaluate the secretory immune function of the athletes.
Key Words
immune function, immunoglobulin A, IgA, training, upper respirtory tract infection
The Effects of Exercise on Blood Glucose, Respiratory Gas and Heart Rate Variability in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 운동생리학 : 운동이 제 Ⅱ형 당뇨환자의 혈당, 호흡가스, 심박수 변동성에 미치는 영향
44(1) 277-286, 2005
The Effects of Exercise on Blood Glucose, Respiratory Gas and Heart Rate Variability in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 운동생리학 : 운동이 제 Ⅱ형 당뇨환자의 혈당, 호흡가스, 심박수 변동성에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of physical exercise on blood glucose, respiratory gas and heart rate variability during rest state and walking exercise in patients with type II diabetes mellitus.
Total forty four patients were divided into two groups acording to whether they had performed physical exercise regulary at least over than 3 days per week; Exercise group (EG, n=22) and None-Exercise Group(NEG, n=22). Each patient took a rest in a sitting position for three minutes prior to treadmill walk and then walked on treadmill for 26 minutes. Blood glucose, lactate, and respiratory gas were measured before and immediately after the exercise. A power spectral analysis was conducted on the heart rates obtained from each subject’s rest and exercise states.
In both groups, the blood glucose level decreased significantly after exercise in both groups (P<0.001). The mean values of TV, VO2, VCO2, and VE during exercise in EG group were significantly higher than those in NEG group(p<0.001).
In EG group, the mean heart rate at rest was significantly lower than that in NEG group(p<0.05). The mean values of the low- and high-frequency power at rest in EG group were significantly higher than those in NEG group (p<0.05 and p<0.001, respectively).
We found that the walking exercise improve the blood glucose level and aerobic capacity in patients with type II diabetes mellitus and increased the heart rate variability at rest measured by the power spectral analysis.
This study examined the effects of resistive and balance training on walking patterns in the elderly women who experienced falls. A total of 40 women were recruited for the study, and they were randomly divided into two groups, one for exercise group (EG; 72 yrs, 151 ㎝, 58 ㎏, 25.2 ㎏/㎡ at baseline) and the other one for control group (CG; 72 yrs, 151 ㎝, 56 ㎏, 24.5 ㎏/㎡ at baseline). EG exercised 70 min/session, at least 2 times/week for 10 weeks using elastic bands and balance stabilizer while not for CG. Subjects in EG exercised for major muscle groups including chest, shoulder, upper arm, lower back, thigh, calf, and ankle. After the program, the balance test with one-leg-stand showed improvement in EG and it was higher than CG. The stride length was also longer after the program in EG (41 ㎝ vs 46 ㎝ in pre vs post, respectively), and the stride length was greater in EG than CG (34 ㎝) after the program. Differences of left and right foot distances when either foot was in front were reduced in EG after the program. Based on the results, the walking patterns were changed by the lower limb muscular strength and stability training. It is expected this change may contribute in reducing falls.
Key Words
muscular endurance, stability training, elastic band exercises
Relationship between Leg extension power and somatotype of Lower extremity 운동생리학 : 대학운동선수의 종목별 하지형태와 다리신전파워의 상관성
44(1) 297-307, 2005
Relationship between Leg extension power and somatotype of Lower extremity 운동생리학 : 대학운동선수의 종목별 하지형태와 다리신전파워의 상관성
The purpose of this study was to compare somatotype of lower extremity and its relationship with leg extension power on 108 players in 8 different types of sports(boxing, judo, taekwondo, golf, volleyball, handball, rugby, badminton).
The research method : Body composition test was measured in % body fat, lean body mass by inbody 3.0 of bioelectrical impedance analysis. Somatotype test was measured in leg length, thigh length, calf length, thigh girth, calf girth, abdominal girth and bultocks girth by steel tape and skinfold caliper. Leg extension power test was measured by Anaeropress 3500. The data was analyzed using discriminant on SPSS(Version 11.0) statistical package. The statistical methods utilized in this study were one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and regression analysis. For all tests, alpha was set at .05 initially in significance.
The results were as follows. Handball and volleyball players were significantly long in length of total lower extremity, calf, and thigh. Rugby and judo players were significantly wide in girth. Leg extension total power and relative value to body weight were significantly high in judo, badminton, volleyball. Speed factor was significantly high in judo, badminton, volleyball and force factor was significantly high in handball, boxing, golf, rugby, volleyball. There were various relationship between power and somatotype of lower extremity factors according to types of sports, especially with girth. Speed factor and force factor also have great relationship with girth.
These findings support the idea that according to types of sports, there were various relationship between power and somatotype of lower extremity factors. Therefore, in strength training according to type of sports, various rate of speed and strength power weight training program must be proposed.
Key Words
Leg extension power, somatotype, strength, muscle power
A Comparative Analysis of Physique, Physical Strength and Maximal Oxygen Uptake between Kindergatener and Sports Kindergatener 운동생리학 : 유치원과 유아스포츠단의 신체적 형태, 체력 및 최대산소섭취량 비교
A Comparative Analysis of Physique, Physical Strength and Maximal Oxygen Uptake between Kindergatener and Sports Kindergatener 운동생리학 : 유치원과 유아스포츠단의 신체적 형태, 체력 및 최대산소섭취량 비교
The purpose of this study was to compare body composition, physical strength and V02max between kindergatener and sports kindergatener. The subjects were 5 years old infants(n=68) who were lived in same area. They were divided into two groups as kindergatener(n=35) and sports kindergatener(n=33) who attended to sports kindergarten which has professional physical education program more than a year.
The results were as follows.
Fist, on physique, height, weight, LBM and BMI were higher and percent body fat was lower in both gender of sports kindergatener but there was no significant difference.
Second, on physical Strength, back strength, standing long jump, 5m shuttle run and sit trunk flexion were higher in sports kindergatener but there was no significant difference. one foot balance and sit-up were higher in both gender of sports kindergatener and there was a significant difference.
Third, on cardiopulmonary functions, V02max was higher in both gender of sports kindergatener but there was no significant difference.
Consequently, sports kindergartener who were educated professional physical education program has highly physical strength and well-grown. Especially, on balance and muscle endurance were significantly high. It could be helpful on elevation of health basic physical strength. Accordingly, to maximize growing of physique and physical strength, proper progressive physical education program must be educated and infant physical education time must be prolonged. And standards to valuate infant physique and physical strength must be set.
The effect of catechin compound ingestion and swimming training on serum Lipid profiles and abdominal fat mass in rats 운동영양학 : 카테킨 복합물 섭취와 수영훈련이 흰쥐의 혈중지질과 복부지방량 변화에 미치는 영향
The effect of catechin compound ingestion and swimming training on serum Lipid profiles and abdominal fat mass in rats 운동영양학 : 카테킨 복합물 섭취와 수영훈련이 흰쥐의 혈중지질과 복부지방량 변화에 미치는 영향
This study was to performed to investigate the effect of catechin compound ingestion (CCI) and swimming training on the blood lipid profiles and abdominal fat mass in rats. The CCI and swimming training were performed for 6 weeks (60 minute-day^(-1), 5 days-week^(-1)). All animals divided into 4 groups; control group (n=6; CON), catechin ingestion (250㎎/day, n=6; CAT1), catechin ingestion(500㎎/day, n=6; CAT2), catechin and exercise (500㎎+lhr swimming, n=6; CAT2EX). The CON and CAT2 group show lower abdominal subcutaneous and visceral fat mass (p<.05). Also, CAT2EX group shows lower abdominal subcutaneous and visceral fat mass than those of the CON (p<.05). After six weeks of interventions no significant difference was found in total cholesterol (TO, high density lipoprotein (HDL) concentration, triglycerides (TG) in all groups, whereas low density lipoprotein (LDL) concentration in CAT2EX was lower than CON (p<.05).
In conclusion, both CCI and CCI with swimming exercise training may play a role in the control of abdominal fat mass. These results indicate that exercise training with CCI could be more beneficial than CCI itself for not only LDL cholesterol but also anti-abdominal obesity.
Key Words
catechin, exercise training, abdominal fat
The Kinematic Analysis of Delivery Motion in Curling Game 운동역학 : 컬링 딜리버리 동작에 관한 운동학적 분석
김유신YouSinKim , 조규권KyuKwonCho
44(1) 331-340, 2005
The Kinematic Analysis of Delivery Motion in Curling Game 운동역학 : 컬링 딜리버리 동작에 관한 운동학적 분석
김유신YouSinKim , 조규권KyuKwonCho
The purpose of this study was to examine the kinematic characteristics of delivery motion in curling game. The subjects of this study were selected in current members of male Korean national team and female University team. The three dimensional motion analysis with DLT(direct linear transformation) method was executed using four digital cameras for analyzing the experimental situation.
In this study, the delivery motion was divided into 5 events(El, E2, E3, E4, E5), and four phases(Pl, P2, P3, P4) for the data analysis.
From those, kinematical variables was calculated, and the following conclusions were drawn.
1. The height of the center of gravity of both male and female subjects showed increasing tendency as this study was proceeded from El to E2 and decreasing tendency as it was proceeded from E2 to each EVENT. 2. 2. The each distance of phases of curling delivery motion between male and female subjects was the same order(P4>P3>P2>Pl). The distance of the last phase(P4) is the longest. It is considered that this fact was occurred to pose stably at the moment of release.
3. It took the male subjects 6.32±0.57sec to deliver and also took the female subjects 7.25±0.76sec. It showed that the time required of male group was 0.93 sec faster than female group.
4. The horizontal velocity of center of gravity showed increasing tendency as it was proceeded to each event, on the other hand vertical velocity showed decreasing tendency. Making horizontal velocity faster is very important to get accurate timing effect concerning balance and connecting motion of release pose.
5. Both male and female subjects showed decreasing tendency of the trunk tilt angle at E4 and E5 which were considered importantly at the moment of curling delivery. This is supposed that the fact was occurred to send the stone to the house more correctly. At E5 right knee joint angle of female subjects(139.40±1.73°) was lower than male subjects’. At E5 right shoulder joint angle of male subjects(111.15±2.01˚) was higher than female subjects’. It is considered that this fact was occurred to ensure accuracy holding the arms out at the moment of release.
Key Words
curling game, delivery motion
Kinematics of the men’s 110m hurdle race 운동역학 : 110m 허들 국내 엘리트 선수들의 구간별 동작에 관한 신체중심의 운동학적 분석
김혜영 , 이정호 , 김상도
44(1) 341-352, 2005
Kinematics of the men’s 110m hurdle race 운동역학 : 110m 허들 국내 엘리트 선수들의 구간별 동작에 관한 신체중심의 운동학적 분석
김혜영 , 이정호 , 김상도
The presentation of average results of the subject group in biomechanical analysis reveals general trends within the sport. As each athlete’s style may differ from the average performance, such results may not always assist in improving. Therefore, in this study the best performance of each elite hurdler was analyzed and suggested to understand the critical points of his technical performance. On the basis of the results obtained by the 3D kinematic analysis of the clearance of the 4th and 5th hurdles in the 110m Hurdles, some of the most important parameters to improve the performance for 3 hurdlers have been founded. As a results, it was required to increase of overall horizontal velocity and to decrease vertical oscillations of the CM before clearing hurdles for the hurdler A. For the hurdler B it was required to decrease of vertical velocity at take off with lower parabola, and to shorten landing step by the reduction of airborne time produced by the early planting of the takeoff foot after cleaning. For the hurdler C it was required to maintain a fast running speed at landing phase.
Key Words
hurdle, speed, take-off
A Cinematographic Analysis of Selected Kinematic Characteristics of Intercollegiate Man’s Triple Jumpers 운동역학 : 남자 세단뛰기 선수들의 운동학적 특성들에 대한 영양분석
44(1) 353-364, 2005
A Cinematographic Analysis of Selected Kinematic Characteristics of Intercollegiate Man’s Triple Jumpers 운동역학 : 남자 세단뛰기 선수들의 운동학적 특성들에 대한 영양분석
The purposes of this study were to examine the characteristics of the kinematic factors of the three phases of a triple jump and to collect the fundamental quantities of motion in order to improve the officially recorded distance of the jump. The subjects were the 5 finalists for an actual 16.70m over in the triple jump at the 2003 World Student Games. The last three strides and the whole triple jump were analysed using three cameras. The x, y, z coordinates of 20 points defining a fourteen segment model of the human body were used for further analysis. After smoothing the raw data with a fourth order Butterworth filter, the location of the centres of mass of the subjects in each frame were calculated.
After analyzing the kinematic data during the whole triple jump, the following findings are obtained: Three of the five subjects used techniques that produced longer hop distances than jump distances. The other two used a balanced technique. The best actual distances for two of the top five finishers were recorded in trials with relatively short step percentage, suggesting that these subjects tended to use longer hop percentages. There was a mean loss in horizontal velocity of 7.6% during the support phase preceding the hop takeoff and losses about twice that much during each of the succeeding phases. Three patterns were observed in the heights of the center of gravity of takeoff and touchdown for the three phases of the triple jump. There patterns were medium-low-high, low-medium-high and the same height as hop and step for the height of takeoff and high-medium-low, medium-high-low and the same height as hop and step for the height of touchdown.
Key Words
triple jump, balanced technique, percentage, pattern, world student games
The Kinematic Analysis of Roche Motion in Horse Vaulting 운동역학 : 도마에서 Roche기술의 운동학적 분석
44(1) 365-374, 2005
The Kinematic Analysis of Roche Motion in Horse Vaulting 운동역학 : 도마에서 Roche기술의 운동학적 분석
The purpose of this study was to examine the Roche technique by three-dimensional image analysis, including the horizontal and vertical positions of body center, horizontal, vertical, and composite velocities, and angle factors in each phase from Phase 1 to Phase 4. From this analysis, I arrived at the following conclusions.
1. At the time of stepping on the vaulting board, the angles of hip joint and knee joint were large. To increase the turning force of body, the vertical velocity was lowered while horizontal velocity heightened. At the time of taking off from the vaulting board, the angles of hip joint and knee joint were increased, and the horizontal velocity was decreased while the vertical velocity was rapidly increased.
2. The time for contacting and taking off from vaulting horse was shortened, the angle of shoulder joint was enlarged, the horizontal velocity was decreased, and the vertical velocity was sharply increased. In addition, at the time of contacting with the vaulting horse, the elbow joint was bent rather than stretched.
3. During the first vaulting phase, the duration of flight and horizontal moving distance were short, and the horizontal velocity was fast.
4. unlike the twisting motions such as Cuervo, Lou Ynu, and Yeo2, the angles of hip joint and knee joint were small to increase turning force during the second vaulting phase. The horizontal moving distance was short, and the duration and height of flight were increased.
Key Words
roche motion, vault, kinematic, salto
Design Optimization of Graphite Golf Club Shafts That Can Reflect Golfer’s Swing Behaviors and Dynamic Characteristics 운동역학 : 골퍼의 스윙 및 동역학적 특성을 고려할 수 있는 그라파이트 골프클럽 샤프트의 최적설계
44(1) 375-382, 2005
Design Optimization of Graphite Golf Club Shafts That Can Reflect Golfer’s Swing Behaviors and Dynamic Characteristics 운동역학 : 골퍼의 스윙 및 동역학적 특성을 고려할 수 있는 그라파이트 골프클럽 샤프트의 최적설계
This paper describes an efficient optimization method to design graphite golf club shafts with the optimal stacking sequence of fibers and wall thickness that satisfy the requirements for strength, weight, flex ratings, a kick point and dynamic torsional flexion using a genetic algorithm and finite element analyses. Unlike the club shaft made of isotropic materials like steel, the shaft made of composite materials such as graphite/epoxy shows many different static and dynamic behaviors during swing, depending on its ply orientations. Finding the optimal stacking sequence and thickness to satisfy various design requirements is, therefore, very important in the design of composite club shaft. Many optimization algorithms have difficulties in handling such discrete variables as ply angles. Genetic algorithms, however, are suitable for representing such discrete variables and reliable for convergence to a global minimum. Genetic algorithms seek to mimic the biological processes of reproduction and natural selection. Natural selection determines which members of a population survive to reproduce, and reproduction ensures that the species will continue. The object function in this paper is the minimum torque of composite club shafts and seeks the stacking sequence satisfying flex, kick point and weight requirements. After iterative 28 generations, the optimal stacking sequence for the minimum angle of twist is obtained as [30/45/30/0/45]s and generates the twisting angle of 1.1
Missing data can potentially threaten the validity of a research. The need for a suitable missing data method has been a focus of many researchers, and many methods have been developed for handling missing data, including listwise and pairwise deletion, mean substitution, regression imputation, and expectation-maximization (EM). Most of the research in the past, however, focused on the large sample, which makes it difficult to generalize the findings to the case with a small sample. The purpose of this study was to determine the most effective method to handle missing data with a small sample size of 20. A Monte-Carlo simulation was used to compare the effectiveness of missing data methods. Different proportions of missing values in the data were also examined. The effectiveness of missing data methods was compared at 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of missing values in the. data and determined by RMSD (Root Mean Square Difference) index on the mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis. A smaller RMSD represents a more accurate method in handling missing data. The results showed that EM is the most effective method for handling missing data, and the accuracy of handling missing data is better with the smaller number of missing values in the data.
Key Words
missing value analysis, Listwise deletion, pairwise deletion, mean substitution, regressing imputation, expectation-maximization
Comparison of a Causal Relationship among Game Attendance Factors, Viewing Satisfaction and Viewing Intentions based on the Team Identification Level of Spectators at Professional Basketball Games 스포츠산업,경영학 : 프로농구 관중의 팀동일시 수준에 따른 경기관람요인, 관람만족 및 관람의도의 인과관계 비교
김용만YongManKim , 서희정HeeJungSeo , 이준원JuWonLee
44(1) 401-412, 2005
Comparison of a Causal Relationship among Game Attendance Factors, Viewing Satisfaction and Viewing Intentions based on the Team Identification Level of Spectators at Professional Basketball Games 스포츠산업,경영학 : 프로농구 관중의 팀동일시 수준에 따른 경기관람요인, 관람만족 및 관람의도의 인과관계 비교
김용만YongManKim , 서희정HeeJungSeo , 이준원JuWonLee
The purpose of this study was to verify the causal relationship among game attendance factors, viewing satisfaction and viewing intentions according to the team identification level. The subjects of this study are 323 home spectators of Wonju, Daegu and Jeonju entered a stadium to view games of TG Xers, Dongyang Orions, and KCC under the competition for the lead at a point in time of examination during the 「Anycall Professional Basketball 2003-2004」. Among them, 311 valid samples excluding 12 inappropriate samples were processed. Based on such sampling data, the following results were obtained by conducting data processing through the confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling using SPSSWIN Ver. 10.0 and AMOS 4.0.
First, performance among game attendance factors had a significant effect only on viewing satisfaction, but publicity, performance and promotion among game attendance factors did not have a significant effect on viewing satisfaction in terms of both high identification and low identification. Second, game attendance factors did not have a significant effect on viewing intentions in terms of both high identification and low identification. Third, viewing satisfaction have a significant effect viewing intentions in terms of both high identification and low identification.
Key Words
team Identification, game attendance factor, viewing satisfaction, viewing Intention
Relationship between Resort Users’ Customer Orientation and Customer Satisfaction, Customer Attitudes, Customer Trust, and Re-visitation Intentions 스포츠산업,경영학 : 리조트 이용객의 고객지향성과 고객만족, 고객태도, 고객신뢰 및 재방문의도와의 관계
김용만YongManKim , 이준원JunWonLee , 서희정HeeJungSeo
44(1) 413-422, 2005
Relationship between Resort Users’ Customer Orientation and Customer Satisfaction, Customer Attitudes, Customer Trust, and Re-visitation Intentions 스포츠산업,경영학 : 리조트 이용객의 고객지향성과 고객만족, 고객태도, 고객신뢰 및 재방문의도와의 관계
김용만YongManKim , 이준원JunWonLee , 서희정HeeJungSeo
After studying a concept of customer orientation by restricting to a resort based on customer orientation currently being studied at existing distribution, this study intended to present strategic suggestive points of marketing concerning big customers of a resort based on such results. The purpose of this study was to examine relationship among customer orientation and customer satisfaction, customer attitudes, customer trust and re-visitation intentions with a causal relationship among variables. 210 samples were selected by convenience sampling method from users of Bokwang Phoenix Park. Based on such sampling data, the following results were obtained by conducting structural equation modeling (SEM) using SPSSWIN Ver. 10.0 and AMOS 4.0.
First, customer orientation had a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Second, customer satisfaction had a positive effect on customer attitudes. Third, customer satisfaction had a positive effect on customer trust. Fourth, customer attitudes had a positive effect on re-visitation intentions. Fifth, customer trust had a positive effect on re-visitation intentions.
The application of REITs to boost investment in real estates for Leisure and sports tourism 스포츠산업,경영학 : 레저스포츠관광 부동산 투자활성화를 위한 부동산투자신탁제도(REITs) 활용
김학신HakShinKim , 윤태훈TaeHoonYoon
44(1) 423-434, 2005
The application of REITs to boost investment in real estates for Leisure and sports tourism 스포츠산업,경영학 : 레저스포츠관광 부동산 투자활성화를 위한 부동산투자신탁제도(REITs) 활용
김학신HakShinKim , 윤태훈TaeHoonYoon
Leisure and sports please a lot of people so that they can improve the quality of their life. To boost real estates for leisure and sports tourism we need to reform the commodities concerning investments. I would like to suggest the following for it.
First, one should abandon the expectation of enormous development profits or marginal profits from real estate investment.
Second, there should be liquidity for investment to attract small investors. Third, we should identify reliable indices concerning K-REITs and disclosure, and establish an association to analyze them. Fourth, double taxation of corporation tax needs to be abolished or eased.
Fifth, asset management for funds should be done by organizations which have expertise in real estates for leisure and sports tourism. Sixth, training specialists in this field is urgent to grow REITs for leisure and sports tourism.
Seventh, Some mortgage REITs should be permitted. Eighth, The range of estate for leisure and sports tourism should be extended. Ninth, payment in kind and external finance should be partly admitted.
Tenth, we need to attract institutional investors by easing safeguard deposit for promoters and requirements for listing and registration of REITs companies.
Ultimately sales must be increased continually to make profits. It is possible only through selecting a proper target market and effective marketing. Therefore we have to raise international competitiveness by developing such real estates in various ways and providing quality service.
Key Words
boost investment in real estates, real estates in Leports tourism, application of REITs
The Effect of Experience and Trust on Perceived Benefit and Perception of Risk in Participation of Football in College Students 스포츠산업,경영학 : 대학생의 풋볼참여에 대한 경험과 믿음이 이익인지도와 위험인지도에 미치는 영향
44(1) 435-442, 2005
The Effect of Experience and Trust on Perceived Benefit and Perception of Risk in Participation of Football in College Students 스포츠산업,경영학 : 대학생의 풋볼참여에 대한 경험과 믿음이 이익인지도와 위험인지도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to identify the causal relationship perception of risk among the experience, trust, perceived benefit in college students when participated in football. Responses were collected from 313 out of the 455 questionnaires, A total of 256 responses were used in data analysis; 57 questionnaires were excluded from data analysis because of incomplete or missing data. To conduct this study the hypothesized structure equation model(SEM) was used by Amos 4.0. the result of this study disclosed; first, experience was statistically positive causal relationship with perceived benefit, however, experience was not statistically causal relationship with perception of risk. Second, Trust was statistically positive causal relationship with perceived benefit and statistically negative causal relationship with perception of risk. lastly, perceived benefit was statistically negative causal relationship with perception of risk.
Key Words
experience, trust, perceived benefit, perception of risk, risk management
The Image-transfer effect of title sponsorship in Korean car racing 스포츠산업,경영학 : 자동차 경주대회의 타이틀 스폰서 이미지에 대한 소비자 의식 전이현상 분석
박찬혁ChanHyukPark , 김병호ByungHoKim
44(1) 443-453, 2005
The Image-transfer effect of title sponsorship in Korean car racing 스포츠산업,경영학 : 자동차 경주대회의 타이틀 스폰서 이미지에 대한 소비자 의식 전이현상 분석
박찬혁ChanHyukPark , 김병호ByungHoKim
The purpose of this study was to identify the image-transfer effect from fan’s involvement, satisfaction, and sport event image to the image of title sponsor corporate in Korean car racing.
To achieve such purpose, a survey of consumer behavior research has been administered to 392 spectators in a car racing circuit. The results through the Structural Equation Model analysis are as follows:
The involvement was positively and significantly related to the satisfaction, sport event image, and sponsor company image. The satisfaction had an effect on sponsor corporate image as well as sport event image while sports event image affected sponsor corporate image. That is, a positive transfer-phenomenon from sports event image to sponsor corporate image through the sports sponsorship was found out. This shows that a title sponsorship participation in car racing related to the brand equity which is regarded highly in the purpose of recent corporation’s participation in sponsorship, is effective in improving a corporate image.
Key Words
image transfer, sponsorship, involvement, satisfaction, car racing
The Impact of Service Quality in Public Sport Centers on Repurchase and Word-of-Mouth Intention 스포츠산업,경영학 : 공공 스포츠센터의 서비스품질의 재구매 의도 및 구전의도에 미치는 영향
44(1) 455-464, 2005
The Impact of Service Quality in Public Sport Centers on Repurchase and Word-of-Mouth Intention 스포츠산업,경영학 : 공공 스포츠센터의 서비스품질의 재구매 의도 및 구전의도에 미치는 영향
Currently, public sport center, established by local government, is a field of public service for inhabitants and plays an important role for communities. Also, it contributes to welfare, health and sound recreations for local residents. However, previous studies are mainly focused on private sport centers running for profit. Moreover, in these days, many researchers are studying the service quality of public institution providing public service such as public health center, public library, local government office and so on. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the impact of service quality in public sport centers on repurchase and word-of-mouth intention. Furthermore, the samples of this study were collected by using random sampling and the total subjects were 521. The statistical method used in this study was multiple regression analysis. After analyzing the data, the results of this study are as follows;
1. Reliability and assurance had an impact on repurchase intention.
2. Reliability and empathy had an impact on word-of-mouth intention
Key Words
public sport center, public service, service quality
The effect of the wage satisfaction based on the wage decision factors of sports center Leaders 스포츠산업,경영학 : 스포츠센터 지도자들의 임금결정요인이 임금만족도에 미치는 영향
신선화SunHwaShin , 이성노SeongNoLee
44(1) 465-476, 2005
The effect of the wage satisfaction based on the wage decision factors of sports center Leaders 스포츠산업,경영학 : 스포츠센터 지도자들의 임금결정요인이 임금만족도에 미치는 영향
신선화SunHwaShin , 이성노SeongNoLee
The purpose of this study is to examine the wage decision factors and wage satisfaction by the job classification, and personal characters of leaders in the field of sports to establish a desirable wage system for the sports center leaders.
The following conclusions are supported by the findings of this study.
First, there were significant difference of the number of the dependent family, the education level, the objective evaluation, seniority and age as the wage decision factors by the personal characters, the position and occupational category.
Second, the effect factor of the wage satisfaction in relation to the welfare and the wage level were the number of the dependent family, and occupational category positively, whereas the personal results and the fidelity to company in the welfare, and personal results in the wage level were the negative factors. Accordingly, it is effective for measuring wage based on the number of dependent family, education level and objective evaluation factors.
Key Words
wage satisfation, wage decision factors, sports center Leaders
A Study on the Identification of Collective Bargaining Issues for the Korea Professional Baseball 스포츠산업,경영학 : 한국 프로야구의 단체협상 현안 규명 연구: 델파이 기법을 중심으로
44(1) 477-486, 2005
A Study on the Identification of Collective Bargaining Issues for the Korea Professional Baseball 스포츠산업,경영학 : 한국 프로야구의 단체협상 현안 규명 연구: 델파이 기법을 중심으로
The purpose of this study was to identify current collective bargaining issues facing the Korea professional baseball and, further, to examine these same issues in Major League Baseball (MLB). In order to help the Korea professional baseball plan for the future, this study was designed to forecast future collective bargaining issues for the Korea professional baseball, particularly those that may prove important during the next decade. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, three research questions were formulated and tested by the Delphi technique. In conducting the Delphi technique, a survey questionnaire was used as the instrument. Thirty-seven experts, selected by a nominating procedure, responded to the questions. Over the two rounds, the collected data were analyzed by both median and interquartile range to determine the consensus of expert opinion.
This study found that Korean experts perceived "the period of free agency, players’ equipment, both medical and rehabilitation service, need of players association, player’s agent system, fairly sharing of profits for the players activities, teams’ requirement to buy disability insurance for players, and players’ requirement to buy disability insurance for themselves" as the most important labor management issues. Most of the experts expected that the various collective bargaining issues of MLB will eventually appear in the bargaining agenda between players and owners of the Korea professional baseball. It was found that the issues believed most important for the near future were annual salary, pensions benefits, minimum salary, and arbitration. Given that these issues were dealt with by the MLB in the 1970’s, this finding was considered evidence that the labor-management relations of the Korea professional baseball are about thirty years behind those of the MLB.
This finding suggests, therefore, that the forecasts of the experts related primarily to issues that were important at an earlier period for MLB. This finding provided supporting evidence for the importance of this study, in which the collective bargaining process of MLB can be exemplified as a guideline for the collective bargaining process of Korea professional baseball. If the path of the collective bargaining process of the Korea professional baseball more-or-less follows the path of that of MLB, one can reasonably predict the next set of bargaining issues of the Korea professional baseball by examining the history and strategies of bargaining issues that appeared in MLB.
Key Words
Korea professional baseball, collective bargaining Issues, delphi technique
On In-Line Skating Safety Accident of U.S.A 사회체육학 : 미국 인라인 스케이팅 안전사고에 관한 고찰
44(1) 489-498, 2005
On In-Line Skating Safety Accident of U.S.A 사회체육학 : 미국 인라인 스케이팅 안전사고에 관한 고찰
In Korea, the number of In-line skaters has been explosively increasing to 4 million as of 2004. In-line skating has been a popular and international sport that everyone can enjoy regardless of sex or age, with a wide variety of events. Even so, measures to prevent safety problems are urgently needed.
Medical record of CPSC by using NEISS during Dec. 1-31, 2003 from 1992 Aug. lin the US is a good example for Korea how to take actions concerning safety. Injuries of head, wrist, elbow, and knee compose 43.9% of all cases, and which can be prevented by using helmet and three-pack protective gear. The rate of dangerous accidents while inline skating (0.37%) is much lower than any other sports games such as basketball (2.34%), cycling (1.08%), golf(0.26%). Accidents are obviously happened to teenagers(51.4%) and under teenagers(21.3%). These accidents take place about three times more with boys than girls. The most highly damaged parts of player’s body are wrists and lower arms. There are following symptoms ; fracture(42.6%), sprain(18.1%), contusion(17.7%), and laceration(10.7%). The injury of head will possibly cause into the brain damage by 58.2%. In addition, these accidents are not related to the equipments(skates) conditions. The places where accidents are happened are sidewalk and street (26%), running street (22%), bike path in public park (19%), house (10%), parking lot (9%), others (14%). The following conditions are directly related to these accidents ; 1) dangerous street (63%), skate control ability (67%), darkness (6%), physical condition(fatigue or exhaustion) (37%), by the way, indirectly dangerous street (53%), skate control ability (25%), darkness (17%), physical condition(fatigue or exhaustion) (11%).
According to the results of this study, the equipment of protective gear during skating or education must be strongly recommended. In short, helmet and three pack head gear are vital when inline skating. Equipment of these will have a great effect on the prevention of injuries.
1)It is very necessary to make sure to wear. helmet, 3 safety protect pack or brace when young people under 10years old play In-line skating. 2)Safety-education for young people including adolescence is needed very seriously and the program and guideline of safety education is reguired. 3)The following study is required focusing on the direct and indirect risk factor, environmental factor and skating attitude causing safety accidents.
Comparisons of Perceived Service Value and Satisfaction according to Consumption Characteristics of Golf Customers 사회체육학 : 골프장 이용자의 소비특성에 따른 서비스 가치지각과 만족도 차이
김애랑AeRangKim , 정인화InHwaChung , 최종필JongPilChoi
44(1) 499-510, 2005
Comparisons of Perceived Service Value and Satisfaction according to Consumption Characteristics of Golf Customers 사회체육학 : 골프장 이용자의 소비특성에 따른 서비스 가치지각과 만족도 차이
김애랑AeRangKim , 정인화InHwaChung , 최종필JongPilChoi
The purpose of this study was to compare the perceived service value and satisfaction level of golf customers based on their consumption characteristics. For this research, responses from 728 golf customers were used. In order to measure the perceived service value of golf customers, 6 modified items (Cronbach’s α = .9275) from the study of Barbin, Darden, & Griffin (1994) and Lee & Kim (1999) were used. The satisfaction level of golf customers were measured with 4 items (Cronbach’s α = .8907) which were extracted form the study of Lee, Lee & Yoo (1999), Zeithaml, Berry, & Parasuraman (1996), and Lee & Kim (1999). The six items to measure the consumption characteristics of golf customers were 1) membership, 2) playing day, 3) companion, 4) playing frequency, 5) purpose, and 6) factors that influence the purchasing decision.
The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 11.0) was used to analyze the data. A series of one-way analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA) and t-test were conducted to determine the differences of perceived service value and satisfaction level of golf customers with respect to their consumption characteristics. The findings of this study were as follows. First, there were differences in the perceived service value and the satisfaction level among golf customers with different types of companion. Second, there were differences in the perceived service value and the satisfaction level among golf customers with different purposes. Third, there were differences in the perceived service value and the satisfaction level among golf customers with different playing frequency. Lastly, there were differences in the perceived service value and the satisfaction level among golf customers who are influenced by different factors when making purchase decision for playing golf.
Key Words
golf, consumption characteristics, perceived service value, satisfaction
Extracting Symbolic Image of the Red Devils 사회체육학 : 붉은악마의 상징성 이미지 추출하기
44(1) 511-521, 2005
Extracting Symbolic Image of the Red Devils 사회체육학 : 붉은악마의 상징성 이미지 추출하기
This research aims on examining the level of soccer game accommodation and social demography background for practical use, after extracting factor structure of the certain term that constitutes symbolic image of the Red Devils. The sample was identified from wide area and people who take a course liberal arts with sports in universities which locate in Daegu metropolitan city and Kyeongsangbukdo through stratified cluster random sampling drew specimen of establish girl student by population. It is real condition that measurement of symbolism image for Red Devils is not developed, therefore this suitable terms that can do speaking by proxy collect and achieve a measurement tool that can examine closely composition factor via 3 steps to do development. Several statistical procedures were used to analyze the data. the data was treated finely through SPSS Win Program Version 10.0. Exploratory factor analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed to test for each of the objectives. The population consisted of 457 college students. The results of this study were as following.
First of all, the symbolic image of the group Red Devils is proves to be 4 factors, which are social movement, culture, social deviation, and ideology.
Secondly, the level of social deviation and ideology is low, the level of culture image is comparably high, and the level of social movement image is high.
Thirdly, the level of inspection and participation influences culture image positively, and the level of interest and participation influences social movement image positively.
Key Words
soccer, red devils, image
A Study on the Relationship Between Level of Taekwondo Training, Motive of Participation and Image of Instructor 사회체육학 : 태권도의 수련정도와 참여동기 및 지도자 이미지의 관계
김영갑YoungKabKim , 이정식JungSikLee
44(1) 523-533, 2005
A Study on the Relationship Between Level of Taekwondo Training, Motive of Participation and Image of Instructor 사회체육학 : 태권도의 수련정도와 참여동기 및 지도자 이미지의 관계
김영갑YoungKabKim , 이정식JungSikLee
This study aims on examining the relationship between level of Taekwondo training, motive of participation, and image of instructor for practical use. As a result of analysis based on the data collected from 466 people, the results are written below.
First of all, the intensity of training influences physical health and joy positively, and influences pleasure negatively. The period of training influences joy negatively.
Secondly, the intensity of training influences profession, disposition, attitude, task role, and image of job awareness; frequency of training influences profession, attitude, and image of job awareness negatively; period of training influences image of job awareness negatively.
Thirdly, physical health and joy influences profession, disposition, attitude, job role, and image of job awareness positively, and pleasure influences profession, image of job awareness negatively.
Key Words
taekwondo, image, participation motivation
The cognition of a Physical Education System in Kindergarten and its Improvement 사회체육학 : 유치원 유아체육전담제의 인식과 개선방안
44(1) 535-544, 2005
The cognition of a Physical Education System in Kindergarten and its Improvement 사회체육학 : 유치원 유아체육전담제의 인식과 개선방안
This study was intended to analyze what kindergarten principals and teachers have understood the need of physical education and how physical education has been administrated, how to have been practiced physical education in each kindergarten, and what the difference has been, in order to suggest the object of child physical education.
To accomplish the purpose, a questionnaire survey was done with class teachers(men, women), chief teachers, principals, and assistant principals who worked in 268 public and private kindergartens located at Daegu.
In conclusion, although teachers in the field have understood the need of a physical education system by a qualified physical teacher in kindergartens, it is difficult to establish the system because of institutional inertia, such as scale and budget. So, it is necessary to educate teachers who have expertise and skills in physical education, arrange institutional systems, and improve working conditions as well as gymnasiums and physical equipment, for a physical teaching system by a qualified physical teacher.
Key Words
physical education system in kindergarten
Diagnosi and Future Strategic Orientations for the Korean Olympic Committee 사회체육학 : 대한올림픽위원회의 미래 전략적 대응과 분석
박권KwonPark , Jean Loup Chappelet
44(1) 545-553, 2005
Diagnosi and Future Strategic Orientations for the Korean Olympic Committee 사회체육학 : 대한올림픽위원회의 미래 전략적 대응과 분석
박권KwonPark , Jean Loup Chappelet
Key Words
Korean olympic committee, strategic management, SWOT-analysis, stakeholders, board of directors
Contents Analysis on Dance Sports Studies Reported in The Journal of KAHPERD 여가,레크리에이션학 : 한국체육학회지에 발표된 댄스 스포츠의 연구 내용 분석
성낙준RakJoonSung , 한명우MyungWooHan
44(1) 557-565, 2005
Contents Analysis on Dance Sports Studies Reported in The Journal of KAHPERD 여가,레크리에이션학 : 한국체육학회지에 발표된 댄스 스포츠의 연구 내용 분석
성낙준RakJoonSung , 한명우MyungWooHan
The purposes of this study were to 1) analyze previous studies appeared in the journal of KAHPERD dealing with dance sports (1970-2004); and 2) provide suggestions for future research based upon the analysis. Total number of the studies satisfying the criteria were 17 articles. Parameters used for analysis include research areas, frequency of key words, research method, characteristics of subjects, dance sports events, period of dance sports treatment, characteristics of researchers, annual trend of articles, and results of the studies. Articles published in the sports sociology and leisure/recreation area were the main research areas. About 70% of the articles were categorized into quantitative method and followed by qualitative and comprehensive research. About 60% of the subjects were female and only two studies mentioned the name of the dance sports events. Most experimental studies treated less than 4 months as a dance sports training period. The distribution of single author and co-authors were 53:47%. And the number of the articles peaked in 2003 (10 articles), although that of 2004 showed the reduce to the previous annual number(1 article). Results were divided into three areas. That is, the effects of dance sports, the characteristics of associated matters in dance sports, and problems found. Future directions and suggestions were discussed for future research in order to develop current status of dance sports in Korea.
Key Words
contents analysis, dance sports, parameters
Analysis of Leisure Satisfaction in the Social Statistics Survey(93, 96, 2000) 여가,레크리에이션학 : 여가활동 유형과 여가만족 분석: 국가통계자료 이용
최성훈SungHunChoi , 이연주YeonJuLee
44(1) 567-575, 2005
Analysis of Leisure Satisfaction in the Social Statistics Survey(93, 96, 2000) 여가,레크리에이션학 : 여가활동 유형과 여가만족 분석: 국가통계자료 이용
최성훈SungHunChoi , 이연주YeonJuLee
The purpose of this study was to analyze leisure satisfaction in the national social statistics survey(1993. 1996, 2000). In early studies about leisure satisfaction of leisure activity more have been done, but the subjects was small sample size in comparable group, statistical method problem in applied, and serious leisure theory challenged leisure satisfaction of leisure activity. The results of the analysis are as follows :
First, the sports activity was the most highest with tour in leisure satisfaction by the national social statistics survey(1993). Second, the sports activity was the most highest except tour in leisure satisfaction by the national social statistics survey(1996). Third, the sports activity was the most highest in leisure satisfaction by the national social statistics survey(2000).
Key Words
Leisure satisfaction, sports activity, social statistics survey
A Q-methodology Study on the Effect of Golf to Family Members Internal Communication 여가,레크리에이션학 : 가족단위 골프가 가족구성원 내부의 커뮤니케이션에 미치는 영향에 대한 Q방법론적 연구
최일도IlDoChoi , 심창섭ChangSupSim , 성낙훈NakHunSeong
44(1) 577-585, 2005
A Q-methodology Study on the Effect of Golf to Family Members Internal Communication 여가,레크리에이션학 : 가족단위 골프가 가족구성원 내부의 커뮤니케이션에 미치는 영향에 대한 Q방법론적 연구
최일도IlDoChoi , 심창섭ChangSupSim , 성낙훈NakHunSeong
This is a subjectivity study to research reaction and attitude on family members internal communication type and content through golf that is the one of family leisure sports in which family members have a chance to communicate easily. Namely, This study was to research the subjectivity on reaction and attitude formed by each family members attending to leisure sports activity. Also, it has a purpose to present a better way to develop family members internal communication through leisure sports as Golf(2-positive types of 22 persons and 2-negative types of 10 persons). Accordingly Q-methodology as a qualitative research was selected for the study because of the importance of family members internal communication.
In conclusion, golf as leisure sports has a positive effect on family members internal communication and subjectivity of respondents was formed positively. Moreover, the research were shown in a varied ways of relations to sports and subjectivity internal communication effects area.
A study of Casual Model among Self-concepts, Leisure Diagnostic Battery, Flow experience, Leisure Involvement in Leisure Sports of workers 여가,레크리에이션학 : 직장인의 자아개념과 여가기능, 몰입경험 및 여가스포츠활동 관여도의 인과모형에 관한 연구
44(1) 587-601, 2005
A study of Casual Model among Self-concepts, Leisure Diagnostic Battery, Flow experience, Leisure Involvement in Leisure Sports of workers 여가,레크리에이션학 : 직장인의 자아개념과 여가기능, 몰입경험 및 여가스포츠활동 관여도의 인과모형에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to examine the casual relationship among self-concepts, leisure diagnostic battery, flow experience and leisure involvement in leisure sports of office workers. To achieve the purpose of this study, white color workers who were working in a company located in Seoul, were selected as population of this study. After selecting 10 companies by means of cluster sampling method, 490 office workers were sampled for this study. A total of 450 subjects were used for employee data analysis.
Instruments used in this study were Self-concepts scale, Leisure Diagnostic Battery, Flow experience scale, Modified Consumer Involvement Profile. To analyze data, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were conducted.
The results of this study as follows;
First, there is direct effect between self-concepts and leisure involvement.
Second, there is indirect effect between self-concepts and leisure involvement through leisure diagnostic battery and flow experience orderly.
Third, there is no direct effect between leisure diagnostic battery and leisure involvement.
Forth, there is indirect effect between leisure diagnostic battery and leisure involvement through flow experience.
Fifth, there is direct effect between flow experience and leisure involvement.
Leisure Constraints and Negotiation for Korean Immigrants 여가,레크리에이션학 : 한국 이민자들의 여가 억제요소와 협상
44(1) 603-614, 2005
Leisure Constraints and Negotiation for Korean Immigrants 여가,레크리에이션학 : 한국 이민자들의 여가 억제요소와 협상
Key Words
Leisure, constraints, negotiation
Coaches’ Perceptions of Taekwondo Programs for Children with Developmental Disabilities 특수체육학 : 발달장애 아동을 위한 태권도 프로그램에 관한 지도자의 인식
김지태JiTaeKim , 김기영GiYoungKim
44(1) 617-624, 2005
Coaches’ Perceptions of Taekwondo Programs for Children with Developmental Disabilities 특수체육학 : 발달장애 아동을 위한 태권도 프로그램에 관한 지도자의 인식
김지태JiTaeKim , 김기영GiYoungKim
The purposes of this study were to investigate coaches’ perceptions of Taekwondo programs for children with developmental disabilities, and to find out several dominant variables (i.e., age, level of Dan, teaching career, working place, academic experience in special education or adapted physical education, and teaching experience) affecting the coaches’ perceptions about the value of Taekwondo. The participants consisted of 201 coaches who were teaching Taekwondo in Seoul and Kyonggi Province. A questionnaire was modified from the version of Kim(1990), Kim(1992), Cho(1997), and Lee, Yeo, and Kim (2004) regarding the attitudes toward Taekwondo. Prior to the data analyses, the reliability and the content validity of the questions of the questionnaire were established and found to be sufficient. The data were analyzed by the frequency analysis, independent t-test, and ANOVA using SPSS 10.0. The results showed that coaches’ perceptions about the value of Taekwondo practice for children with developmental disabilities were generally favorable. Coaches’ age, working place and academic experience in special education or adapted physical education classes were significant variables in their perceptions about the value of Taekwondo practice for children with developmental disabilities.
Key Words
coaches’ perception, taekwondo, children with developmental disabilities
Academic Achievement & Perspectives of Dance Studies in Korea 무용학 : 한국 무용학의 연구성과와 전망
장윤정YounJeongJang , 박중길JungGilPark
44(1) 627-650, 2005
Academic Achievement & Perspectives of Dance Studies in Korea 무용학 : 한국 무용학의 연구성과와 전망
장윤정YounJeongJang , 박중길JungGilPark
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the trends of research activities in Korean dance-related studies. From National Assembly Library and KISS, 4,531 studies conducted from 1955 to 2004 in Korea were selected. All studies were evaluated and categorized according to publication year, publication type, research area, methodology, institute(university and association), and researcher. The result indicated that the size of Korean dance studies was noticeably increased during 1990s. These took up more than one half of the total production, while master theses comprised about 45.7 percent. With regard to research areas, most studies were focused on dance education and dance sociology, which suggested the need of paradigmatic shifts. A total of 76 universities produced the majority of theses and dissertations. Especially Ewha Woman’s University, Kyunghee University, Hanyang University, Choong Ang University, Sookmyoung Woman’s University, Sejong University, and Chosun University produced about 86.7 percent of total dissertations. Each of these major universities had his unique research area and methodology. A total of 62 associations related to dance produced 1,384 articles, which was noticeably increased around the mid 1990s. Each of 150 leading dance scholars had his unique research area and methodology. They produced a total of 870 articles and 26 scholars of them produced over 10 articles. But Some of the leading scholars were more interested in other research areas than their own specialized area.
Key Words
dance, research
Development of Positive Key Words to Attention and Concentration Before Performance 무용학 : 공연 전 주의집중력의 긍정적 키워드 개발
44(1) 651-660, 2005
Development of Positive Key Words to Attention and Concentration Before Performance 무용학 : 공연 전 주의집중력의 긍정적 키워드 개발
This study intended to develop positive key words suitable to each dancer for effective performances, evaluate the appropriateness of those key words, and then find out factors inherent in them. To achieve this purpose, a three-step research has been conducted, and the results based on the conducted research led to the following conclusions:
First, the positive key words to attention and concentration include the traits of creation of self-confidence, relaxation, and concentration enhancement.
Second, 40 positive key words to attention and concentration before performances were rated, and, among them, what was most frequently used by dancers included "Let’s make it as we practiced," "Let’ s calm down and be grateful for everything," "Let’s say a prayer," "Let’s make it in perfect harmony for group dancing," and "We can do it."
Third, the positive key words can be conceptualized by ten factors including self-confidence, affirmative image, body, self encourage, attitude, concentrative power, result imagination, attentive power, desire, and motive level control.
Key Words
attention and concentration, positive key words
The Effect of the Child’s Participation and its Degrees in Life Sports on %Fat and Growth of the Physique 발육,발달학 : 아동의 운동 참여와 수준이 신체 발육과 체지방률에 미치는 영향
44(1) 663-674, 2005
The Effect of the Child’s Participation and its Degrees in Life Sports on %Fat and Growth of the Physique 발육,발달학 : 아동의 운동 참여와 수준이 신체 발육과 체지방률에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect on %fat and growth of the physique by the child’s participation and its degrees in life sports. Life sports participation and the jump-rope level can be classified into 3 groups, that is, a positive, a normal, and a negative one through the observation for the participant’ the jump-rope and interviews with them after 3 weeks exercise. Jump-rope scale is measured by the items based on Son’s etc.(2000)’scale.
775 subjects, from 8 years old to 12 years old children are selected.
χ² test, 3-way ANOVA(gender, age, participative type), and regression are used to solve problems of this study. From the investigation, the conclusions are as follows;
1. There are no significant differences by gender, age and participative type in frequencies of groups.
2. There is a significant difference in height and sitting height that is increased with age. But, there are significant differences in weight, chest girth and BMI by gender, age and participative type group ; boy’s are higher than girl’s, those are increased with age, and positive group’s are less than negative group’s. And there are significant differences by main effects of gender and participative group in %fat ; boy’s have about twice as much as girl’s and positive group’s are less than negative group’s. In addition to that, in %fat, there are significant differences by interaction effect of gender and age ; boy’s are decreased with age but girl’s increased.
3. There is a different effect between positive participants of gender on growth of height ; %fat of boy has negative effect, but girl’s positive.
4. There are different effect and factors on %fat in each group ; the positive participative group of boy has BMK(+), weight(-), boy’s negative group has BMK(+), weight(-), chest girth(+), sitting height(+), and girl’s both groups have BMI(+).
Key Words
sports participation and Level, jump-rope, %fat, BMI, growth of physique
The Comparison of Stretching for Prevention of Shoulder Disease in Elders 발육,발달학 : 노인의 어깨질환 예방을 위한 스트레칭 비교
박혜상HyeSangPark , 박태섭TaeSeopPark
44(1) 675-681, 2005
The Comparison of Stretching for Prevention of Shoulder Disease in Elders 발육,발달학 : 노인의 어깨질환 예방을 위한 스트레칭 비교
박혜상HyeSangPark , 박태섭TaeSeopPark
This study was performed to figure out the variation of the range of motion on the shoulder joint in elders by stretching techniques. So it is possible to find out the effectiveness of three stretching methods on shoulder joints of elder peoples. The subjects of the study were 36 elders including 9 for static-active group, 7 for light-resistance group, 9 for PNF group, and 11 for control group, respectively.
To estimate each joint angle the Dualer Plus Inclinometer was used with the subjects in supine position. This procedure is 4×7 factorial designed with repeated measured on the last factor. For comparison among groups Two-Way ANOVA with repeated measured on the last factor was used and Scheffe’s test was used for the post-hoc test.
The result of the test revealed that the effect of the stretching, which includes ROM(range of motion) for flexion and extension, were statistically significant(p<.05) on shoulder. In flexion on shoulder joint there was significant difference(p<.05) between control group and PNF group. In extension on shoulder joint all of the each pair of groups showed significant difference(p<.05).
As a conclusion, the PNF stretching has the biggest effect of the stretching on the each joint, The Static-Active stretching has the next, and Light-Resistance stretching has the least effect among the three stretching methods.
Especially, the PNF stretching has a great effect on ROM of flexion and extension of shoulder joint and this effectiveness is found out after 3 weeks.
Key Words
static-active stretching, Light-resistance stretching, PNF stretching, range of motion
The Effects of Barre Exercise on Flexibility, Balance and Scoliosis improvement in High School Female Students with Scoliosis 발육,발달학 : Barre 운동이 척추측만증 여고생의 유연성과 평형성, 척추측만증 개선에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Barre Exercise on Flexibility, Balance and Scoliosis improvement in High School Female Students with Scoliosis 발육,발달학 : Barre 운동이 척추측만증 여고생의 유연성과 평형성, 척추측만증 개선에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to determine effects of the barre exercise on flexibility, balance and scoliosis. For the purpose, this researcher surveyed 110 girl students of N high school located in Busan Metropolitan City, and sampled 24 who were suffering from scoliosis or suspected to have the disease(10o or below). The sampled students were divided into the exercise and control groups, respectively consisting of 14 and 9 members. Then the former group was asked to participate in the barre exercise over 8 weeks, 3 sessions a week and 26 to 30 minutes a session.
Results of the study can be summarized as follows.
1. The exercise group was better in sit-and-reach test, closed-eyes foot balance test than the control group. 2. The x² analysis showed that the rate of spinal correction after the barre exercise was higher in the exercise group than in the other group.
In conclusion, the girl students that went through the barre exercise, which consisted of basic balletic motions, showed improvements in physical fitness and scoliosis treatment. If widely used in the field of school education, such exercise program could greatly contribute to correcting adolescents’ physical postures.
Key Words
barre exercise, scoliosis, flexibility, balance
Effects of supplemental PNF and weight training on the daily activity-related physical function and isokinetic muscular function of knee joint in the elderly 발육,발달학 : 부가적인 PNF와 웨이트트레이닝이 노인의 일상생활관련 신체적 기능과 슬관절 등속성 근기능에 미치는 영향
Effects of supplemental PNF and weight training on the daily activity-related physical function and isokinetic muscular function of knee joint in the elderly 발육,발달학 : 부가적인 PNF와 웨이트트레이닝이 노인의 일상생활관련 신체적 기능과 슬관절 등속성 근기능에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of supplemental PNF and weight training on the daily activity-related physical function(DAPF) and isokinetic muscular function in the older women. Forty-two volunteers(age=67.77±3.37), who had been participating in aerobic exercises for the preceding 12 weeks, were placed in 2 groups: experimental group(n=24) continued PNF and weight training, and control group(n=18) continued only aerobic exercise. The subjects who joined this investigation were asked to participate in the program(3 times/week, 60min/day) for 12 weeks. DAPF was measured on muscular strength, flexibility, agility/dynamic balance, aerobic endurance, and BMI. Muscular strength was also evaluated by peak torque of the knee extensor and flexors at 60 deg/sec(3 repetitions) and endurance by total work of the knee extensor and flexors at 180 deg/sec(26 repetitions) using isokinetic exercise machine(Biodex system 3 pro., U.S.A.) at the beginning and the end of the 12-weeks program. For data analysis, mean and standard deviation scores were calculated, and repeated two-way ANOVAs were used.
After 12-weeks PNF and weight training, the results of the study are as follow; First, muscular strength of lower and upper body, flexibility of lower body, agility/dynamic balance in DAPF were significantly improved. Second, the isokinetic strength and endurance of knee joint muscles were also significantly improved. Third, however, there was no significant improvement in aerobic endurance and BMI.
Therefore, this study implies that the PNF/weight training may be of benefit to DAPF and isokinetic strength/endurance of knee joint muscles in the postmenopausal and elderly women.
Key Words
physical function, PNF, weight training, isokinetic muscular strength and endurance, the elderly